Thank you! The abort command worked.
Thanks for your reply. I used a TSP script now to make it work using the TSB interface. Is it possible to abort the running script remotely? I can abort it using the 'Cancel Operation' button in the progress tab of the instrument console window. Is it possible to abort the script with a GPIB command?
Kind regards,
Thanks for your reply! I have tried something similar already, but since I don't have a 2636B, but just the 2636 SMU, I can't use the smua.trigger... functions. Is it possible with the 2636 SMU as well?
Kind regards,
Hey all,
I am trying to source two AC current pulses with a frequency of around 1 kHz with both channels simultaneously using a 2636 SMU. I tried using the PulseIMeasureV() function, but I wasn't able to start the pulses on two channels simultaneously with that. I also tried to configure the pulses using the ConfigPulseIMeasureV() function and then starting the pulse with InitiatePulseTestDual(), but in this case I got the error that "Polarity changes during the pulse are not supported". Does anyone know a way to source two AC current pulses simultaneously with the 2636 SMU?
Kind regards,