RE: MSO64B matlab control over USB
Hi Blair,
Thank you for your suggestions.
I tried the address without the zero, but couldn't connect either. Error using icinterface/fopen
Unsuccessful open: Could not open VISA object. Use INSTRHWINFO for a list of available configurations.
I'm using an MSO64B with firmware (I think the latest one?), it doesn't have Windows or Linux on it.
I also find that Matlab Test and Measurement Tool takes a long time to scan for USB instruments.
instrhwinfo('visa') returns InstalledAdaptors: {'agilent' 'keysight' 'ni'}
Could it be an incompatibility between the different visas that causes the problem?
I'm attaching an screenshot of the Keysight connection expert, I also cannot connect to the scope using it.
Using tcpip would be fine, but the laptop I'm using doesn't have a ethernet port.
Thanks again for your help.
Pascal -
MSO64B matlab control over USB
I've had issues connecting to the MSO64 via USB in Matlab using the instrument control tool. I see the resource USB0::0x0699::0x0530::C050282::0::INSTR but I receive a connection error, could not open VISA object.
It works well using TCPIP.
Is it some kind of USB driver issues? I've tried different VISA (keysight, NI, Tek) but nothing works.
I would appreciate any help I could get.
Thank you.